Thread: McDonalds, yum!
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default McDonalds, yum!

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 8/13/2017 1:24 PM, Cheri wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> news
>>> On 8/13/2017 11:52 AM, Cheri wrote:
>>>> > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>>>> Jill McQuown wrote:
>>>>>>>> penmart wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Anyone needs night lights this is the best:
>>>>>>>>> They emit too much light for a bedroom but are great in bathrooms,
>>>>>>>>> hallways and basements...
>>>>>>>> You really do tout these night lights, don't you? Thing is, not
>>>>>>>> everyone wants (or has need for) night lights. I don't wander
>>>>>>>> around
>>>>>>>> the house at night so I don't need anything like that. I also find
>>>>>>>> LED
>>>>>>>> lighting to be rather harsh.
>>>>>>> I agree. For me, it's because the spectrum is so narrow. I still
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> quite a few incandescents because the light is much more pleasing.
>>>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>>>> I simply don't need night lights. I don't wander around the house at
>>>>>> night. If I need to get up I'll turn on a lamp. I use low watt
>>>>>> halogen
>>>>>> bulbs in the lamps. They last a long time.
>>>>>> Sheldon seems to need night lights all over. He mentioned stepping
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> sleeping cats. I only have one cat. I usually know where she is.
>>>>>> At
>>>>>> bedtime, she's likely right beside me.
>>>>> Anyone possessing reading comprehension would have noticed immediately
>>>>> that my post began with "Anyone needs night lights"... those decent
>>>>> human beings without an ulterior motive who possess a modicom of Class
>>>> As one ages, night lights become more necessary, and sleeping through
>>>> the night is not a sure thing, but Jill isn't there yet.
>>>> Cheri
>>> I've dealt with insomnia since I was in my late 20's. At one time I
>>> was taking a prescription med for that but I stopped. I always felt
>>> groggy and the warnings were worse than not sleeping.
>>> I take a MidNite tablet occasionally. Melatonin and some herbs, melts
>>> right on the tongue. I can usually tell ahead of time when I might
>>> have a restless, sleepless night.
>>> Mostly I don't need night lights because I don't get up during the
>>> night. Sure, I wake up sometimes. I don't get out of bed. That would
>>> be one sure way for me to stay awake.
>>> I have one low light night light in bathroom area over the sink.
>>> Pretty much for my cat. She probably doesn't need it. I sure don't.
>>> Jill

>> Give yourself 20 or so years and see how good your bladder control is at
>> night, of course there are Depends and the like if you don't want to get
>> out of bed.
>> Cheri

> By then I'll be near 80 and won't care. Right now I don't need night
> lights and even if I did I wouldn't want a glaring white LED light.
> Jill

You're going to be surprised how quick that happens, and you will care.
