Marmite, not fruit cake :)
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Marmite, not fruit cake :)
> On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 18:46:59 +0800, JBurns >
> wrote:
> >On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 04:31:18 +1000, Bruce >
> >wrote:
> >
> >>On Sun, 13 Aug 2017 12:08:46 -0300,
> >>
> >>>
> >>>As well as loving fruit cake I just enjoyed a nice lunch of a sandwich
> >>>made from flax bread, butter and a largish helping of Marmite. Every
> >>>once in awhile I get a desire for a Marmite sandwich.
> >>
> >>I wonder how close that is to vegemite.
> >
> >Similar but not the same. I can tell the difference.
> >
> >Try a vegemite (or marnite) sandwich with some crisp lettuce leaves.
Also the dreaded potted meat. It's not much but when spread
thinly on fresh white bread with mayo, swiss cheese....and even
thin sliced tomato and some lettuce = not a bad sandwich at all.
I've got a few cans on my grocery list for tomorrow morning. Good
to have around in case of a hurricane.
In my area, coastal Virginia, I always prepare for hurricanes and
potential power loss for many days. Time to clean out the freezer
and replace the frozen food with large blocks of water. Also go
to the bank and get at least $100 in $1.oo bills. During an
extended outage, some stores will open for a few hours but small
cash only.
One year, the entire area lost power for 3 days here (much longer
in other neighborhoods). Each no power day, several stores opened
for a few hours using their generators. Small cash only as they
couldn't process credit or debit cards. I had plenty of money in
the bank but couldn't access it and no cash to use. I learned my
lesson that year. Plan for the worst and hope for the best
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