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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default OT Left hand day

Dave Smith wrote in

> On 2017-08-13 7:42 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> > On 8/13/2017 5:43 PM, jmcquown wrote:

> > > My father was a lefty and he had beautiful penmanship
> > >
> > > Jill

> >
> > I have decent penmanship now but in grade school it took me a
> > couple of years to be able to read my own writing.

> I am right handed and my penmanship was always bad. My mother's
> writing was beautiful, but my father's was very difficult to read. I
> have always been somewhat ambidextrous. I always swung a baseball bat
> or and axe left or right handed. I can swing a gulf club left or
> right. I play paddle sports right handed. I paddle a canoe left
> handed. Over the last decade or so I have been able to print left
> handed. My left handed printing is actually neater than right handed,
> but much slower.

It's not but 15% or something like that from the web, but many of us
don't have a strong 'handedness'. I remember distinctly, my teacher
noting that I picked up my pencil with a hand, based on how she pointed

Some are more strongly ambidextrious than others. My teacher said it
would be easier if I went mostly right handed since it didnt seem to
matter to me.

In my college years, I broke my right wrist and still had to take
notes. It was suprising to me that I was as fast left handed with that
though as I was not used to writing 'lefty'.

I know what you mean about what one uses for one hand for that doesnt
seem to 'fit'. I'm like that too. The only awkward one is if
distracted, I try to shake hands, left handed.
