McDonalds, yum!
cshenk wrote:
> Knowing the store well beats out all other concerns IMHO. Learning
> their sales rotation is cheaper than traveling to multiple locations
> (burning gas) as frankly, they are all pretty close on deals over time.
Very true. Not gas for me but just my time. No need to go to
another store just to save a few pennies. And my 2 nearby stores
usually compete in prices.
Aren't you sick and tired of all this hot and very humid weather?
I go out about 5am each morning and for the longest time, it's
like walking into a hot steamy bathroom right after someone took
a long hot shower.
Right at 7am this morning I have:
Conditions - Fog
Temp - 75F
Humidity - 96%
Wind Speed - calm
Dewpoint - 74F
Like I said, "a steamy bathroom" environment.
It actually gets better as the temp goes up, the humidity goes
down and most importantly, the wind will start blowing.
Arrghhh. Thankfully I can stay inside for the rest of the day