For what it's worth
Sqwertz wrote:
> On 15 Aug 2017 17:10:44 GMT, KenK wrote:
>> My local newspaper had an interesting editorial yesterday. It said that
>> Popular Science magazine had an article saying the kitchen sink sponge is
>> the most germ-laden object in the house, even worse that the toilet. Says
>> the sponge should be replaced every week. Says microwaving it doesm't help
>> much. No info about magazine issue date or the name of the article and I
>> didn't search for it.
> I found it. The "study" examined 14 sponges they collected from
> households from a 60 square mile area in Germany.
> The magnitude of this study is equal to that of a 12th grade science
> experiment. Yet this is the third place I've heard about it. It's
> amazing how social media can glamorize and publicize even those most
> bum**** of stories.
> -sw