Thread: McDonalds, yum!
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Default McDonalds, yum!

On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 00:25:49 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 8/13/2017 11:52 AM, Cheri wrote:
>> > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> Jill McQuown wrote:
>>>>>> penmart wrote:
>>>>>>> Anyone needs night lights this is the best:
>>>>>>> They emit too much light for a bedroom but are great in bathrooms,
>>>>>>> hallways and basements...
>>>>>> You really do tout these night lights, don't you? Thing is, not
>>>>>> everyone wants (or has need for) night lights. I don't wander around
>>>>>> the house at night so I don't need anything like that. I also find
>>>>>> LED
>>>>>> lighting to be rather harsh.
>>>>> I agree. For me, it's because the spectrum is so narrow. I still have
>>>>> quite a few incandescents because the light is much more pleasing.
>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>> I simply don't need night lights. I don't wander around the house at
>>>> night. If I need to get up I'll turn on a lamp. I use low watt halogen
>>>> bulbs in the lamps. They last a long time.
>>>> Sheldon seems to need night lights all over. He mentioned stepping on
>>>> sleeping cats. I only have one cat. I usually know where she is. At
>>>> bedtime, she's likely right beside me.
>>> Anyone possessing reading comprehension would have noticed immediately
>>> that my post began with "Anyone needs night lights"... those decent
>>> human beings without an ulterior motive who possess a modicom of Class

>> As one ages, night lights become more necessary, and sleeping through
>> the night is not a sure thing, but Jill isn't there yet.
>> Cheri

>But Sheldon himself posted "they emit too much light for a bedroom". I
>have a soft nightlight in the sink area, which is open to the bedroom.
>I do think his type of nightlight would be too bright. I was actually
>going on his and the product description. And... thankfully, when I
>wake up it generally doesn't have a thing to do with needing to go to
>the bathroom. I sometimes toss and turn, that's all.

When I lived in surburbia there were street lights and houses were
relatively close together so that their outdoor lights offered
sufficient light indoors at night. Here there are no street lights
and my nearest neighbor is a about 1,000 feet away so his single
outdoor light over his garage door offers zero light to us indoors or

We don't need a nightlight for our bedroom as we sleep with the TV on
all night. However we have a nightlight in each of the two hallways,
one in the main bathroom, and one in the kitchen because the kitchen
acts as a hallway between one side of the house and the other.

With four cats there's no telling where they sleep and their sleeping
spots constantly change. They will sleep in bed but not all night,
they will often sleep sprawled out in hallways, on the bathroom floor,
and Barny prefers sleeping in the main bathroom in the middle of the
floor and being jet black he becomes invisible at night... during the
day he's often asleep in the bathtub. They have various sleeping
spots in the basement too.

It's not much fun walking to the bathroom , kitchen, anywhere at night
and stepping in a wet hairball.