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Default For what it's worth

On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 07:18:14 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> I did notice when we first put a dishwasher in that we were better off
>> health-wise. One of five could have a cold/'flu and it did not
>> automatically wind up infecting the lot of us.

>Doubtful that the dishwasher made the difference even if
>the timing was right.
>Doctor told me once, main reason for so many more colds
>and flu in winter is because people keep their houses
>closed up and the viruses multiply in the warm environment.
>Also important to wash hands frequently during and after
>going out into public and handling things - even money.
>Those precautions seem to work for me so I believe.

Most germs are airborne, they are mostly transmitted by the air we
breathe... we sterilize the air in our house, the central A/C employs
a UV lamp (actually two UV lamps), the air in our house is constantly
filtered and sterilized.