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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Cornbread pans (WAS: For what it's worth)

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 8/18/2017 5:03 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Generally I don't either. However, I have a Le Creuset skillet that
>> I use for baking cornbread. One has to work quickly with a very hot
>> preheated skillet contaiaing several spoonsfull of grease which is
>> then poured into the batter while whisking, and the batter is then
>> immediately poured into the hot skillet. There is often some
>> drippage on the outisde of the skillet which, at that high
>> temperature, will definitely burn on. No dishwasher will remove
>> that.

> You use a Le Creuset skillet for cornbread? Are you talking about a
> porcelanized skillet? If so, that's a surprise!
> I have a 9 inch cast iron skillet used strictly for cornbread. The
> heating of the grease (in my case, OMG, Crisco) in the skillet in the oven
> before pouring in the batter ensures a non-stick bread. Also a nicely
> golden brown crust on the cornbread. There's never any fat left in the
> pan.
> I would NEVER put that cast iron skillet in the dishwasher. I also don't
> wash it. I just wipe it out with a paper towel and set it aside until the
> next time I feel like making cornbread.
> Jill

Same here, I love that crispy crust that comes from the cast iron skillet
after getting it good and hot in the oven before pouring the batter in.
