For what it's worth
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For what it's worth
"Cheri" wrote in message news
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 8/18/2017 8:21 PM,
>>>> Dishwashers use far less water to do the same amount of dishes.
>>> No, they don't, at least not in my house. I use around 2/12 gallons of
>>> hot
>>> water for mine, which is what I prefer to do.
>>> Cheri
>> You may prefer to do it by hand but my dishwasher uses far less hot
>> water (thats hot water from the tap, not reheated in dishwasher) than
>> that for two DAYS worth of dishes.
> This subject comes up about once a year. Many studies show that the DW
> saves water
Not mine, but you're right the subject comes up about once a year and every
year...I don't care how people prefer to clean their dishes at all, I clean
mine the way I want to, you clean yours the way you want to, and that's the
way it should be.
Exactly right!!
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