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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default For what it's worth

On 8/18/2017 4:52 PM, wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Aug 2017 10:04:46 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>> I even gave ferrets access to my dinner plates for
>> "all you can eat." Once they checked it out, ate what
>> they wanted, I would eat. Evidently ferret germs are
>> not so bad. eh?

> One of my cats, Jilly, eats from my plate along with me... especially
> roast chicken... we both prefer dark meat but she takes the best
> parts... I guess if I catch a cold I'll make an appointment with the
> Vet. I don't think which method one uses to wash dishes has a whit to
> do with one's health issues. I also think all that hand washing
> that's touted has a whit to do with catching colds either... has to do
> with whom one associates, whose air one shares. Hanging in crowds
> elevates ones odds of catching whatever is going around...

I agree with most of that.

> my doctors says... during flu season he insists all patients in the
> waiting room wear a paper mask. He says constant hand washing is BS
> unless one is a thumb sucker/nose picker. Of course hand washing is
> always beneficial prior to handling food.

Absolutely. Before and after handling food. I don't constantly wash my
hands throughout the day. Heck, I don't panic or put on plastic gloves
when I go to the grocery store. I don't carry Purel hand sanitizer
around with me or worry about germs on cans or other items someone else
might have touched in the store before I picked it up.

> Properly cooking food kills germs, which is why restaurants won't
> serve burgers other than well done. Meat sections are sterile
> internally so if one grinds meat themself they can safely cook it as
> rare as they like, or eat it raw.

When it comes to restaurant burgers, that used to be the case but not
anymore. One of the few things I order at the Club is a medium rare
burger and that's exactly what I get. Quite pink in the middle. It was
the same when I last ordered one at Steamer's Restaurant on Lady's
Island. Restaurants aren't required to cook burgers to death anymore.

Caveat: if you're buying burgers from any (not picking on McD's here!)
fast food joint, well done is the only way they serve them. They're
fairly thin patties and they don't ask how you'd like it cooked.
