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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default R U doing anything special for the eclipse tomorrow?

On 8/20/2017 4:49 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
>> U.S. Janet B. wrote in
>>> The path of totality is extremely close to us but we don't want to get
>>> caught up in the bizarre traffic.Â* Craters of the Moon is very close
>>> and they are doing some wonderful programs on eclipse day.Â* The
>>> viewing would be wonderful from out there but it is expected that the
>>> roads will be parked on both sides of the highway and stopped traffic
>>> in the driving lanes.Â* I'm not young enough for all that anymore.Â* I
>>> would stay home and just stand out in the street but we are surrounded
>>> by mature trees and while we get some sunlight, we don't actually see
>>> the sun this time of year.Â* I think we are going to the fairgrounds.
>>> They have special admission for The Fair prior to the eclipse and free
>>> approved glasses. (we have our glasses already)Â* Anyway, we can look
>>> around the Fair knowing it won't be too hot to go because the sun
>>> mostly won't be shining full bore.Â* How about you?Â* Going somewhere
>>> special or eclipse party or just watch on TV?
>>> Janet US

>> Nothing special here other than avoiding the traffic. It hits here
>> about when one gets off work (at the main part for us). I'll probably
>> keep the sighted dog in at the peak just so he doesnt get scared a
>> little but only if the squirrels are acting up (not likely). Might keep
>> the blind one in too if the squirrels start chittering oddly.
>> Probably nothing here.Â* We are not in the full eclipse line.Â* More like
>> something near 80% or so.Â* A good thundercloud can do that.

> 93% here.

65% here, barely noticeable darkening.