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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default R U doing anything special for the eclipse tomorrow?

On 8/20/2017 8:58 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> We're only at 65% here. But even if it was 99.9% it still wouldn't be
> a big deal to me. I can't even fathom traveling just to see it. I've
> already seen a total eclipse. I'd rather sit out all night and watch
> a meteor shower - the one last week barely got any publicity compared
> to the boring eclipse <yawn>.:-)
> -sw

I've seen partial solar eclipses in my lifetime. That's why one of my
elementary school teachers taught us to make a pinhole camera.

I've seen a bunch of lunar eclipses. Given all the media attention
about this solar eclipse you'd think one had never happened before.

I might have been interested in a meteor shower. I enjoy watching
things like heat lightning. This time of year there are lots of
thunderstorms. When it's really humid but does not rain, and a storm is
somewhere to the south, I often see what I call heat lightning. I love
watching that.

Tomorrow it's just going to get dark in the afternoon. <shrug>
