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"George Shirley" > wrote in message
> Deb wrote:
> > "torlesse" > wrote in message
> > om...
> >
> >>Hey,
> >>Just wondering if there is any way at all of soaking legumes for
> >>anywhere between 1 and 5 days, and then pickling or fermenting them,
> >>as an alternative to boiling them that is - boiled legumes take ages
> >>to make, as some people suggest cooking beans such as red kidney beans
> >>for 2 or so hours...but even if anyone any suggestions for pickling
> >>cooked legumes would be a big help.
> >>Thanks,
> >>torlesse

> >
> >
> > I can't imagine pickled beans, but then, I lead a sheltered life.
> >
> > It is my understanding that most (all?) dried legumes need to be cooked

> > some reason... digestion??? can't remember the reason right now...
> >
> > It is easy to cook them, and takes actually no time at all. Soak

> > In the morning drain and put into crock pot (slow cooker). Cover with

> > and turn on low. By evening they will be done to perfection.
> >
> > Deb

> Most bags of dried legumes have the directions for "Quick" soaking on
> them and that's the version I use. Bring 8 cups of water (8 cups of
> water to each lb of legumes) to a rapid rolling boil, add the beans,
> bring back to the boil, boil two minutes, turn off the heat, put the lid
> on the pot, and let sit for one hour. Drain, rinse (gets rid of some of
> the starches, which is the thing that makes beans make you gassy), put
> back in the pot with the proper amount of water, add spices, herbs, etc,
> and simmer until done, usually about two hours at sea level. Did a pot
> of giant limas that way yesterday and served them over fresh cornbread
> for supper. Of course the beans had a lb of sausage, a cup of chopped
> onion and a cup of chopped sweet chiles, some crushed, dried epazote,
> some parsley, black pepper, and home made hot sauce in there.
> I never heard of anyone pickling beans but I have soaked them and then
> canned them in two person servings (pints) on numerous occasions.
> George

Your version of easy beans sounds quite good. I'd just use overnight
soaking and then the crock pot because I hate to start fixing dinner in the
morning. I can load a crock before the 2nd cup of coffee kicks in and
convince myself it is still last night.

I haven't tried canning dried beans yet. Don't they swell more after
soaking? I guess I'd worry about overloading the jar and they'd burst
through the lid in the canner. I suppose BBB has the answer. ;>

In Oregon, the pacific northWET.