R U doing anything special for the eclipse tomorrow?
"U.S. Janet B." > wrote in message
> On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 13:42:32 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>"U.S. Janet B." > wrote in message
. ..
>>> The path of totality is extremely close to us but we don't want to get
>>> caught up in the bizarre traffic. Craters of the Moon is very close
>>> and they are doing some wonderful programs on eclipse day. The
>>> viewing would be wonderful from out there but it is expected that the
>>> roads will be parked on both sides of the highway and stopped traffic
>>> in the driving lanes. I'm not young enough for all that anymore. I
>>> would stay home and just stand out in the street but we are surrounded
>>> by mature trees and while we get some sunlight, we don't actually see
>>> the sun this time of year. I think we are going to the fairgrounds.
>>> They have special admission for The Fair prior to the eclipse and free
>>> approved glasses. (we have our glasses already) Anyway, we can look
>>> around the Fair knowing it won't be too hot to go because the sun
>>> mostly won't be shining full bore. How about you? Going somewhere
>>> special or eclipse party or just watch on TV?
>>> Janet US
>>I bought glasses early on from Amazon only to find out that they are not
>>certified. Too many bogus ones being sold around here so, no viewing for
>>It's supposed to come early here anyway. Fred Meyers will be closed for 3
>>hours so the employees can view.
>>So basically, no. No plans.
> Freddies, Walmart, libraries etc had them yesterday. Some
> public/government places were giving them away.
> Janet US
They did have them but they were not on the list of certified ones. And our
Freddies here sold out last week. Only place I know of around here that had
only certified ones was some museum in Seattle. Can't remember which one.
Even some that they were giving out or selling at eye Drs. were not