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Default R U doing anything special for the eclipse tomorrow?

On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 21:58:13 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 8/20/2017 9:33 PM, wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 14:58:54 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> On 8/20/2017 1:12 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Sun 20 Aug 2017 09:52:06a, tert in seattle told us...
>>>>> U.S Janet B wrote:
>>>>>> The path of totality is extremely close to us but we don't want
>>>>>> to get caught up in the bizarre traffic. Craters of the Moon is
>>>>>> very close and they are doing some wonderful programs on eclipse
>>>>>> day. The viewing would be wonderful from out there but it is
>>>>>> expected that the roads will be parked on both sides of the
>>>>>> highway and stopped traffic in the driving lanes. I'm not young
>>>>>> enough for all that anymore. I would stay home and just stand
>>>>>> out in the street but we are surrounded by mature trees and while
>>>>>> we get some sunlight, we don't actually see the sun this time of
>>>>>> year. I think we are going to the fairgrounds. They have special
>>>>>> admission for The Fair prior to the eclipse and free approved
>>>>>> glasses. (we have our glasses already) Anyway, we can look
>>>>>> around the Fair knowing it won't be too hot to go because the sun
>>>>>> mostly won't be shining full bore. How about you? Going
>>>>>> somewhere special or eclipse party or just watch on TV?
>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>> I'm going to sit under some trees
>>>> I saw the one in 1979, and where we now live it won't be much
>>>> different. We'll probably just stay in. If I could see an absolute
>>>> total eclipse that would be different.
>>> I am directly in the path of the total eclipse and don't know what the
>>> big deal is.
>>> For those who don't know, here's what the sun will look like between 1-3
>>> PM tomorrow over the Southern United States:
>>> Okay. You need special glasses or a pinhole camera and special glasses
>>> to look watch the moon passing in front of the sun.
>>> Eclipse or no, looking directly at the sun is never a good idea. In the
>>> case of staring at an eclipse, you could burn out your retinas and go blind.
>>> Nasa is warning people there are companies out there selling unreliable
>>> "eclipse glasses":
>>> Some people will do anything to make a buck, including blind you.
>>> Jill

>> I don't intend to get up in the middle of the night to peep out into
>> nothingness... probably be cloudy and raining... I'll have a couple
>> extra shots of vodka and and I'll be eclipsed! LOL

>Well hey, you won't have to, since it's happening in the middle of the
>afternoon! Help yourself to that Crystal Palace around 1:15 PM.

I think I'm too far north to see much if anything, probably won't get
any darker here than from an afternoon rain cloud.