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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default R U doing anything special for the eclipse tomorrow?

"jmcquown" wrote in message news
On 8/21/2017 7:24 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "Bruce" wrote in message
> ...
> On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 21:24:39 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 21:18:07 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> I've seen partial solar eclipses in my lifetime. That's why one of my
>>> elementary school teachers taught us to make a pinhole camera.
>>> I've seen a bunch of lunar eclipses. Given all the media attention
>>> about this solar eclipse you'd think one had never happened before.
>>> I might have been interested in a meteor shower. I enjoy watching
>>> things like heat lightning. This time of year there are lots of
>>> thunderstorms. When it's really humid but does not rain, and a storm is
>>> somewhere to the south, I often see what I call heat lightning. I love
>>> watching that.
>>> Tomorrow it's just going to get dark in the afternoon. <shrug>
>>> Jill

>> An armchair naturalist

> I agree with Jill. Those planets are just doing their thing. I never
> need to watch or monitor that kind of stuff. It always goes well.
> ==
> But it isn't a daily occurrence and I would love to see it.

I wish you could see it, Ophelia. I don't think anyone in my area will
actually get to see it. Cloudy, rainy. I suspect it will be a
non-event. I'm sorry for those who really wanted to watch it and
purchased special glasses.



We saw it on tv, but not the same as being there.
