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Default R U doing anything special for the eclipse tomorrow?

On Monday, August 21, 2017 at 5:15:40 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Aug 2017 14:58:08 -0700 (PDT), Roy >
> wrote:
> >The over-reaction to this natural event by Americans is noteworthy. My reaction
> >to the news of such an event is a big, big yawn.
> >People driving thousands of miles to camp-out for this occurence...big deal...
> >people have too much money to waste.
> >=====

> Have you ever witnessed a total eclipse? It is different and I
> understood why centuries ago it might have struck fear into people. On
> balance I enjoyed the total eclipse of the moon more. This solar one
> was only partial here but I understand it will be total from New
> Brunswick in 2024 so we are thinking of booking a few rooms.

I was in a prime viewing area and it was spectacular and for MY area
it was a once every 500 year eclipse. Yes, there are eclipses every
few months but not always visible in everyone's location. As I told
someone else in an e-mail I also got to see the phenomenon known as
'shadow snakes.' That was just as spectacular, to me, as the eclipse.

Here's a link to other eclipses, some lunar, mostly solar, for the
next few years. There's one to be seen in Scotland, I forgot the
exact month, and one next July that even Bruce can view.