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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Anyone made potato chips?

On 2017-08-22 10:02 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/21/2017 10:28 AM, Gary wrote:

> Ah yes, Hawaii in the 1950's. Â* That's when my parents and my two
> brothers lived on the island of Oahu.Â* They had Japanese neighbors and
> Mom told me the Japanese woman would walk around on the back patio
> stepping on really big snails, barefoot.Â* That kind of creeped her out.

Funny how people of different cultures react to snails. A number of
years ago my wife and I were touring around Europe in a rental car that
we picked up in Germany (because it was cheaper there) so it had German
licence plates. We went to a quaint little eatery, Auberge au Feu de
Bois in Dieppe sous Douement just north of the Verdun battlefield. The
owner (owner's husband?) came along while we were eating and was
chattering away about the rain and the snails and how the French like to
eat them but you Germans don't like them. He has assumed we were German
because of the licence plates.

Great memories of that place. It was a very rustic old place with a
fireplace at one end, trestle tables. The lunch of the day a three
course menu meal that consisted of a shredded carrot and garlic salad,
pasta with tomato and turkey, flan for dessert and a 1/4 litre of wine.