Thread: New Car
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default New Car

On 2017-08-24 5:46 AM, sanne wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 24. August 2017 00:22:37 UTC+2 schrieb Dave Smith:

>> mile is not paved. If I try the direct road it will keep telling me to
>> go back, or, as I go further west, to take a cross road south. It just
>> refuses to acknowledge the existence of that four mile stretch of road.

> Is there a switch for private and/or toll roads on/off?
> Maybe that's the problem.
> Or the map software isn't up to date.

When it searches a route it will ask if I want to use a toll highway,
but there are no toll roads anywhere near this, and it is a public road.
It also warns of unpaved roads. The odd thing is that the range is on
the unpaved portion of the road and the GPS recognized that part of it
but does not acknowledge the the paved portion.

They are amazing devices but sometimes do odd things. I was once headed
to a Christening at a church in the north end of Toronto. I set my
destination for an intersection near the church and was given an ETA of
11:55, so about an hour and a half driving time from here. Traffic was
light that day and I was doing at least 10 kph over the speed limit
until I got to the highway and then I was doing about 20 kph over the
limit most of the way. About half way there the GPS recalculated the
ETA. Considering I was travelling at 10-20 over the speed limit I
expected it to back up the ETA by 10-15 minutes. On the contrary. It
added 4 minutes, making my ETA 11:59, and that was the exact time when
I arrived at noted intersection.