pot luck item
On 8/23/2017 7:12 AM, Gary wrote:
> Bruce wrote:
>> All those chains use this kind of chicken:
>> <http://images0.tcdn.nl/feed/article21882861.ece/BINARY/original/plofkip>
> Nonsense. That's militant vegetarians promoting that.
> I worked at a KFC the summer of 1971 and for those 2 months,
> my main job was to cut up the chickens every few days into
> 9 parts.
> Whole chickens arrived at the store every 2-3 days
> and I'm the one that cut them up. These were fresh
> killed chickens, all the same size and whole.
> They were perfect chicken bodies, not some
> birth-defect chickens that you believe.
> I can understand you not eating meat in order to
> save the animals but don't spread myths like that.
That's what common or garden variety trolls do!