Thread: New Car
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default New Car

On 2017-08-24 2:51 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Thu 24 Aug 2017 10:58:55a, Dave Smith told us...
>> On 2017-08-24 1:29 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> Some programs receive real time information on the traffic flow
>>> because >it's tracking cars over the roads. That's very useful
>>> data. Google maps >does that.

>> There are units available that account for traffic flow, but mine
>> is not. In this case, the GPS had calculated the travel time when
>> we started off. As I pointed out, I was exceeding the speed limit
>> ,so I would have expected the recalculation to come up with an
>> earlier ETA. It did the opposite.
>>> My guess is that you'll probably notice an increase in traffic on
>>> side >roads because GPS devices will calculate the best route
>>> possible.

>> I don't know about that. I find that they often send me out of the
>> way to take major routes or to avoid extra turns. When I head to
>> Toronto or Hamilton I would normally go straight west for three
>> miles, turn north for about 12 miles and hit the QEW. Alternately,
>> I can take the first right, go north 1 km, stop, go another 50 m,
>> hang a left and a quick right to get me to a regional road. My
>> GPS sends me the other way, expecting me to go 1/2 east and take
>> straighter route with fewer stops, but adding a mile to the
>> distance travelled.

> I haven't actualaly tried the GPS in the new yet as we've just been
> driving on local streets/routes that we take all the time.

When I first got my GPS systems I used to use them a lot. I have lived
in the Niagara Peninsula for 50 years and had jobs that put me on the
road most of the time travelling throughout the region and beyond. I
know the region like the back of my hand. I don't really need it around
here, but it is always interesting to compare my routes with the routes
the GPS maps out for me. When I get into larger cities they are handy.
I get a lot of instructions to turn back.

> We've had a TomTom GPS for at least 6 years. It has lifetime updates
> which occur monthly. I like the various choices it offers as far as
> avoiding freeways, specifying rather insignificant roads, etc. The
> GPS in the Honda has fee updates for the first 5 years. I have been
> interested in watching it trace even the minor turns that I make,
> although there is no route programmed.

I prefer a portable GPS because I am guessing they are cheaper to
replace than the factory installed are to repair. I have to wonder about
updating. I have found that initial downloads and updates take hours.