Thread: New Car
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Casa de Masa Casa de Masa is offline
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Default New Car

On 8/24/2017 10:01 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 4:43:20 PM UTC-10, Casa de Masa wrote:
>> On 8/24/2017 6:23 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> On Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 10:53:28 AM UTC-10, Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> On 8/24/2017 3:59 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> On 8/24/2017 3:27 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>>> On 8/24/2017 1:48 PM, wrote:
>>>>>>> i do like the voice activated thing;
>>>>>>> it's nice with radio stations, and GPS
>>>>>>> i got a toasted walnut color, with almond interior, happy me
>>>>>>> looking into the lane drift assist thing; sounds helpful
>>>>>> We test drove one model and lane drift was turned on.Â* Took me
>>>>>> about 30 seconds to say You can turn that off, right? beep beep
>>>>>> beep.
>>>>>> It's not that I'm weaving, it's that as the road curves, I
>>>>>> lean into it a bit, not drive perfectly centered like a
>>>>>> train on tracks.
>>>>> If mine beeped it would rive me nuts.Â* It has a haptic steering wheel so
>>>>> you feel it, silently.Â* You also see it in the heads up display.Â*Â*Â* It
>>>>> will also nudge the wheel if you go too far.Â* While capable of steering
>>>>> on a road with painted lines, it will disengage of you take hands off
>>>>> the steering wheel more than 30 seconds.
>>>> I see where all this technology is leading, but I really don't care
>>>> to have my car monitoring me. I guess I'll be happy when it stops
>>>> short of hitting someone for me.
>>>> If someone takes their hands off the wheel for that long, i want it to
>>>> stay engaged. Like that guy driving a Tesla to work ... sound asleep.
>>>> nancy
>>> In a short while we're all going to be taken to where we want to go by robot cars. People in the future will find it hard to believe that we had control over such a dangerous conveyance and that we found the number of people killed/maimed/scarred every year to be an acceptable risk.

>> A "Minority Report" future does not make me sanguine.

> It'll be a different world where everybody is monitored.

I know, creeps me out.

Like Android phones sending all our audio to goo goo - sick.

> That would not be our major problem, however. What's troublesome is machines getting too smart for our good.

Elon Musk knows.

> A few seconds after a machine becomes aware of itself, it will have recognized what it has to do to ensure it's > survival. The first rule of business is that it has to conceal itself from the humans i.e., act dumb.

It already happened:

Days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk said Facebook co-founder Mark
Zuckerberg's understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) was limited,
the social media company has reportedly shut down one of its AI systems
because "things got out of hand." The AI bots created their own
language, from the scratch and without human input, forcing Facebook to
shut down the AI system. The AI bots' step of creating and communicating
with the new language defied the provided codes.

According to a report in Tech Times on Sunday, "The AI did not start
shutting down computers worldwide or something of the sort, but it
stopped using English and started using a language that it created."
Initially the AI agents used English to converse with each other but
they later created a new language that only AI systems could understand,
thus, defying their purpose.

This led Facebook researchers to shut down the AI systems and then force
them to speak to each other only in English.

> In a few years, maybe tomorrow, AI researchers will get a creepy feeling that they have indeed created a new

> lifeform. It's going to scare them. The only question is will that be enough?

Not quite, because it will be too late by then.