Thread: New Car
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default New Car

On 8/25/2017 6:29 AM, Gary wrote:

> I think a car manufacturer could make a killing someday by
> putting out a new model car with none of the extra stuff. Like a
> brand new 1985 type car. No computer nonsense. No heated seats or
> steering wheels. A regular key that you can make copies of at the
> hardware store. No remote control keys. Just a well-built car
> made to last. A bottom line, no frills car.

When they offered cars like that no one bought them. Dealers would have
one on the lot so they could advertise a cheap price, just like you
suggested, but no one bought it. I do know of one guy that bouvh a Chevy
Nova like that. Not even a radio

> These days, 2 separate people can walk into a car dealer and each
> buy the exact same car.
> One of those people will get it for way less than the other.
> Buyer beware.

The window sticker was supposed to make it easier to do that. Turns
out, it made it harder to get a good straight deal.