Thread: New Car
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default New Car

On 8/25/2017 9:49 AM, Gary wrote:

> How about the camera on the car getting messed up due to heavy
> rain, sleet or snow?

Most likely the car would stop. Many accidents happen in weather like
that so those 40 car pile ups would be eliminated. I'm actually
surprised ty how well the lane assist works in snow.

> How about just computer failure for whatever reason.
> How about the fellow that slept when his car ran underneath a
> semi due to unforseen reasons. He got chopped in half right
> quick.

That was his fault. He was not supposed to be on full auto so he was
the cause of the crash.

> Maybe good in the future after all the bugs are worked out but
> these experimental years are dangerous, imo.

That is why they all have a "driver" in them to take control. Not
perfected yet but getting close.