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Default Lil' Wayne's New Car

On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 16:44:07 -0500, Sqwertz >

>On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 15:00:20 -0600, graham wrote:
>> On 2017-08-25 2:00 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 04:21:41 GMT, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> Probably because some of those supposedly straight men are still in the
>>>> closet and may never get out, or it's an affront to their masculinity.
>>> Why do *** men always use these same two super-lame comeback? Do they
>>> teach these excuses at *** School? Certainly they could have come up
>>> with some better explanations by now.

>> There are examples such a pastor Ted Haggard.
>> There's a saying from psychologists: "You despise most in others, what
>> you despise most in yourself."

>Implying that all ***-bashers are really *** deep down inside is just
>playground childish behavior. I suppose it may be the case that ***
>bashers are closet gays .2% of the time (1 out of 500), but that's
>much worse odds than my accusing random people on the street of being
>*** and having it be true.
>Anyway, pork butt cooked at 144.3F for 24 hours then seared in a 500F
>oven for bark. With mashed potatoes, gravy, and .... brussel sprouts
>or green beans. A nice, down-home, American heterosexual meal. If
>David doesn't like it then he can make his own damned food.

Harrrvey is a faggot storm.... no name is more faggot than Harrrvey!
Texass has more faggots than anywhere else, especially in dwarf