Thread: New Car
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Default New Car

On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 06:54:48 -0600, graham > wrote:

>On 2017-08-26 4:51 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "dsi1"* wrote in message
>> ...
>> Humans are just awful drivers. Yesterday, I was approaching a stop light
>> next to a Taco Bell when I spotted a van pulling out of the driveway so
>> I stopped to let them pull out. They then pulled out in front of a guy
>> walking past the driveway. They made contact. The guy probably felt dumb
>> for not watching the van. I didn't see the guy - until they hit. The van
>> driver didn't see the guy because they were making eye contact with me.
>> It ended with the guy limping into the Taco Bell and us driving off.
>> Humans can't see what's in front of them even when conditions are perfect.
>> ==
>> I don't think I would want a 'driver' like that* I don't drive now as
>> much as I should.* I drove for many years with no problems but now?* DH
>> prefers to take his car and since we just about always go everywhere
>> together since he retired ...* I took mine out this morning for the
>> first time in a few weeks, but I got him to drive back.* This is really
>> bad!* If, for any reason he is off his feet, I will need to drive my
>> car* I really must start driving more

>Dad was in hospital during the Suez Crisis and Mum had been learning to
>drive. Petrol was rationed and learners were able to drive without a
>driver accompanying them. She eventually got her licence but as soon as
>Dad recovered, she never drove again.

There were plenty like that, usually husbands discouraged wives
driving I didn't bother much with a car when the kids were young
and I was in the UK for awhile, buses were quick and plentiful,
whereas parking was not, and I would often walk one way with kids and
stroller, get groceries and bus back, easier (and more tiring for the
kids) that driving and parking etc.