Thread: New Car
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Default New Car

On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 10:26:10 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 8/26/2017 10:19 AM, wrote:
>> On Sat, 26 Aug 2017 09:41:34 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> On 8/26/2017 8:54 AM, graham wrote:
>>>> On 2017-08-26 4:51 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> I don't think I would want a 'driver' like that* I don't drive now
>>>>> as much as I should.* I drove for many years with no problems but
>>>>> now?* DH prefers to take his car and since we just about always go
>>>>> everywhere together since he retired ...* I took mine out this morning
>>>>> for the first time in a few weeks, but I got him to drive back.* This
>>>>> is really bad!* If, for any reason he is off his feet, I will need to
>>>>> drive my car* I really must start driving more
>>>> Dad was in hospital during the Suez Crisis and Mum had been learning to
>>>> drive. Petrol was rationed and learners were able to drive without a
>>>> driver accompanying them. She eventually got her licence but as soon as
>>>> Dad recovered, she never drove again.
>>> If you go back to the 50's and even into the 60's, many women did not
>>> drive. One car was sufficient and dad took it to work. Rarely did a
>>> woman actually buy a car. Now, almost half the new car buyers are women.

>> That's not true... far more than half the new cars are leased.

>Duh, women lease them too.

Why "Duh? I didn't say women don't lease. You said "almost half the
new car buyers are women." Both sexes lease, equally. And in fact
women drive more new vehicles than men. Far more men will buy used
vehicles. Hardly anyone buys new vehicles anymore. However most
people will not admit their new car is leased... it's very common for
people to say "I just bought a new car" when the truth is it's leased,
in fact I've never heard anyone say "I just leased a new car" because
leasing is renting and people are loathe to admit to being vehicle
tenants. People lease because for the vast majority the price of
new vehicles has risen to where buying is prohibitive. People don't
have that large chunk of cash nor do they want to tie up such a huge
amount because buying is more of a commitment... leasing is only a
commitment to make monthly payments for a couple three years. Leasing
enables people to drive a more expensive/better appointed vehicle than
they could were they to buy. The dealerships like to lease, they make
larger profits on leased vehicles plus they remain part of their
inventory which increases their net worth for conducting and expanding
their business. Think of it this way, a dealership that leases is
just like someone owning apartment buildings in the high rent