New Car
On 8/26/2017 11:46 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 8/26/2017 10:34 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 9:41:43 AM UTC-4, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> If you go back to the 50's and even into the 60's, many women did not
>>> drive.Â* One car was sufficient and dad took it to work.Â* Rarely did a
>>> woman actually buy a car.Â* Now, almost half the new car buyers are
>>> women.
>> About half the population are women, so that's about right.
> I don't think that number is even representative.Â* I've read that the
> men might sign on the dotted line but the woman in their life has a
> lot of say in the choice.
> My name isn't on either car.Â* Just because I didn't sign the papers
> doesn't mean I wasn't a major factor in what car we buy.Â* Dealers have
> learned to be nice to the wife.
> nancy
True. My wife does not care about the engine or optional wheel size,
but she has picked out or at least approved the color. She has not
driven in a few years but still likes to ride in comfort so she wants
all the goodies too.