New Car
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New Car
"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 8/26/2017 11:26 AM,
>> Hardly anyone buys new vehicles anymore. However most
>> people will not admit their new car is leased... it's very common for
>> people to say "I just bought a new car" when the truth is it's leased,
>> in fact I've never heard anyone say "I just leased a new car" because
>> leasing is renting and people are loathe to admit to being vehicle
>> tenants.
> If you drive a lot of miles you get slammed on the miles charge though. I
> know a couple of people that screwed themselves with what sounded good a
> few years earlier.
> The dealerships like to lease, they make
>> larger profits on leased vehicles plus they remain part of their
>> inventory which increases their net worth for conducting and expanding
>> their business. Think of it this way, a dealership that leases is
>> just like someone owning apartment buildings in the high rent
>> district.
> I'm not familiar with all leases, but the company cars we had were
> property of GMAC, not the dealer that made the deal.
We leased two cars, never went over the mileage but then I didn't really go
too many places. I can see it would be a problem if you did, and he had his
truck which most of the miles were put on. That balloon payment at the end
isn't much fun if you want to keep it. We turned the first lease over for a
second lease, but bought the second lease out.
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