Thread: Salvage work
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Terry Coombs Terry Coombs is offline
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Default Salvage work

Â* Pretty well describes our dinner for tonight . Late Thursday evening
I put a pork butt (dry rubbed) and a 16 pound turkey on the smoker .
Friday morning I had a "temperature excursion" , which I discovered
later was caused by the smoker lid being blocked open a bit by my grill
tool . Upshot is that everything got (way) overcooked and dried out .
Crap ... well , the butt didn't do too bad as it was way over away from
the firebox . The turkey is another story . Black skin , top layer of
breast meat dried out . Drumsticks and thighs seem OK if overcooked .
Wings edible , barely . So I got this bright idea , since I've been
baking all day (loaf bread and 2 kinds of buns - baking post to follow)
to make a turkey pot pie for dinner . Got taters , carrots , celery ,
and some CofC soup , so ...Â* hey , I've been baking all day , the AC is
turned off , and it's only 75°f in here . I'll slice veggies with the
food processor and shred the turkey by hand . Pastry dough is chillin'
even as i type .

Â* --

Â* Snag