New Car
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New Car
On 2017-08-26 3:03 PM,
> On Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 3:37:28 PM UTC-5, graham wrote:
>> As Alberta doesn't have front number plates, you must drive into the
>> spot in any city owned lot, otherwise they ticket you.
> We don't have front license plates here either, but it makes no
> difference if you pull in or back in as long as you are between
> the lines. Is someone driving around all the time checking plates?
We don't have parking meters any more so if you park in pay areas on the
street, you either pay at a machine - keying in the zone # and your car
#, or with a cellphone account. Same in the city owned lots.
They have cars mounted with cameras that drive by and automatically send
your car# to the parking computer which checks to see if you've paid and
if you haven't, or have run past your time, it automatically sends you a
parking ticket. So if you have backed into the space in the lot, the
camera can't record your info and you get ticketed.
It's a system developed in Calgary and it replaces the old parking
meters that were constantly being broken into by criminals.
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