New Car
On 8/26/2017 5:51 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 26 Aug 2017 02:03:52p, Nancy Young told us...
>> Then he was the one commuting and I worked from home, so he'd buy
>> his new cars by himself. It has just worked out he always signs
>> the papers. Doesn't bother me either way.
> When we both retired within months of each other we decided to give
> up one car. It made no sense to maintain the expense of two cars
> when we rarely both drove seaparately at the same time.
Exactly! Took him a couple of months to get it, we don't need
two cars. If something comes up where we do, rent a car for a
day or whatever, it'll be way cheaper than paying insurance and
registration for one car to sit there idle.
We're back to two cars for the moment as I was gone all the time
taking care of my mother. Came in handy.