New Car
On 8/26/2017 3:05 PM, Ding - Dong Daddy wrote:
> Remember when we were kids and "new car time" rolled around every fall, it was almost as thrilling as Christmas or any other fun holiday. Now younger folk regard vehicles as "appliances", like a microwave or toaster oven. They are thrilled by new phones and social media, not new cars so much...
The car dealers would have the windows blocked during the changeover too.
From a block away I could tell if a Chevy was 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
etc. Now you pot a few model years together and it is hard enough to
tell the Toyota from the Mazda let alone a 2010 from a 2015.
I'd love to have a '58 Impala with the chassis, running gear and
technology of today.