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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Early 20th Cent American Cereals

On Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 11:43:40 AM UTC-10, TimW wrote:
> This is from a book published in the UK in 1910:
> ... a fellow names a new cereal after himself, and advertises it by
> saying that something of the kind was once the chief food of the
> American Indians, "one of the most stalwart races of men the world has
> ever produced"; their women, he says, "ground it laboriously in hollowed
> stones and cooked it in a rude manner," and yet, notwithstanding this
> laborious grinding and rude cooking, the corn, "together with meat taken
> in the chase, sustained a race of muscular giants."
> Does anyone know what he is talking about? I am pretty sure it would
> have been commonplace in the USA and the UK 100 yrs ago, the cereal
> advertised as Indian food, but I haven't been able to track it down and
> nail the reference.
> Tim W

Correction: That would be Charles William Post's Post Toasties. My guess is that his sales pitch was a complete fantasy. These ready to eat breakfast cereals would change American breakfasts. Now people didn't have to spend a whole lot of time cooking up whole grain cereals in the morning. A quick, easy to digest, and nutritious, meal was the goal of these revolutionary products. Well, it was also hoped that this health food would discourage masturbation.

Post Toasties was a knock-off of the cornflake product invented by the Kellogg brothers to serve at their Battle Creek Sanitarium. It was popular with the patients and the brothers got the idea to patent their method of corn flake production and sell it outside their sanitarium. Once their patent ran out, everybody was making cornflakes and the rest is history.