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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Green Chile Sauce

"koko" wrote in message ...

On Sun, 27 Aug 2017 10:30:47 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Cheri" wrote in message news >
>That looks sooooooo good! I always enjoy your food pics, ingredients, and
>methods. A very nice blog.
>Oh yes! They always are and I always enjoy looking at them)
>She cooks a lot of hot/spicy things which we don't eat, but the pics of
>are wonderful)
>Koko, which is the smoker, or is the one that looks like a microwave?
>I don't have such a thing

Thank you for your nice comments.

What you see on the blog is part of my outdoor kitchen.
It's a propane Camp Chef brand oven with a two burner cooktop.
What looks like a microwave is the oven

This is the smoker. I can use either propane or wood, or a
combination, which is what I usually do
it is to the right of the kitchen then next to that is the grill



Ahhh thanks)
