Thread: Salvage work
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Salvage work

On 8/28/2017 2:52 AM, wrote:

> I just use a Weber kettle grill to smoke meats and after about 2
> hours I see no more smoke. Meat is then taken indoors to finish
> in the oven for 3 hours at 325°. The meat is falling off the
> bone and I can definitely see the smoke ring.
> I have toyed with the idea of a barrel smoker or an offset smoker
> but the Weber does a fabulous job for my needs. I'm just not sure
> I'd want to tend a fire for many hours with an offset. As I'm not
> familiar enough with the barrel smokers I don't know how much
> tending they require.

Traditionalists think it is heresy, but I use a gas smoker. I cut up
some wood chunks that go in a box over the flame. Holds temperature
evenly and it great for brisket that takes many hours.