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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Early 20th Cent American Cereals

On 8/30/2017 5:05 AM, TimW wrote:
> On 30/08/17 05:07, Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Tue, 29 Aug 2017 13:52:40 +0100, TimW wrote:
>>> On 27/08/17 22:43, TimW wrote:
>>>> This is from a book published in the UK in 1910:
>>>> ... a fellow names a new cereal after himself, and advertises it by
>>>> saying that something of the kind was once the chief food of the
>>>> American Indians, "one of the most stalwart races of men the world has
>>>> ever produced"; their women, he says, "ground it laboriously in
>>>> hollowed
>>>> stones and cooked it in a rude manner," and yet, notwithstanding this
>>>> laborious grinding and rude cooking, the corn, "together with meat
>>>> taken
>>>> in the chase, sustained a race of muscular giants."
>>>> Does anyone know what he is talking about? I am pretty sure it would
>>>> have been commonplace in the USA and the UK 100 yrs ago, the cereal
>>>> advertised as Indian food, but I haven't been able to track it down and
>>>> nail the reference.
>>>> Tim W
>>> Thanks all,

>> "Thanks all"?
>> Can't even muster enough gratitude to respond to the post answering
>> the question, he has to respond to his own post. What an ungrateful,
>> unsociable asshole.
>> -sw

> Stop for a second: I have a query, pose the question, receive the kind
> and well intentioned help of several people, thank them all, and then...
> ... One of them says I'm an asshole and an ingrate because he wanted to
> be thanked personally.
> Give me your address, and I will send you a box of chocolates and a card
> if you like. Will that be okay?
> Tim W

