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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Major Thread Drift! (WAS: Early 20th Cent American Cereals)

On 8/30/2017 11:15 AM, Cheri wrote:
> "Casa de Masa" > wrote in message
> news
>> On 8/30/2017 7:27 AM, wrote:
>>> Perry Mason is on here right now.

>> Well now, that calls for a Hamilton Burger!
>> ;-)

> I love that show when Trask was still there too.
> Cheri

MeTV shows Perry Mason twice a day, once in the morning and again late
at night.

Lt. Tragg was played by Ray Collins. He was great in that role. I've
seen him in a in a lot of old films, mainly drama.

Hamilton Burger - love that character's name! played by William Talman.

Did you ever see William Talman in an old movie "The Hitch-Hiker"?
Creepy! He played a mass murderer who informed the people who picked
him up he planned to kill them at the end of the ride. Fun stuff!

BTW, something eerily similar happened to my oldest brother and a couple
of his friends, but in reverse. My brother (he would have been about 19
at the time) decided to hitch hike back to SC from TN. He talked a
couple of friends into going along. They were picked up by a couple of
older guys who drove them most of the way. All my brother remembered
was they had really good pot. (Hey, it was the early 70's, what can I
say?) One of his friends lost their wallet in the car before the guys
dropped them off. When the men were finally caught, his friends' wallet
was found on the floor in the car. These guys were wanted for multiple
murders. I remember my parents and the other parents being frantic,
thinking they'd been killed and bodies dumped somewhere along the way. Wow.
