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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default I call baloney on all of this

On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 19:22:30 -0400, wrote:

>Gary is obviously not too smart, what's the big difference between
>eating half a frozen pizza and 1/3 a frozen pizza? We consider a
>frozen pizza a lazy meal, it's for when we don't feel like a full
>cooked meal due to time constraints and/or we're not all that hungry.
>When I was a lot younger I could very easily polish off an 18"
>pizzaria pie loaded with extra toppings all by my lonesome, and that
>was the appetizer before the masssive tureen of ****ghetti with
>scungilli arrived.
>That I tend to cook large quantities in no way means we eat large
>quantities at each meal... I cook large quantites only to save me from
>having to cook the same dish so often... it's what freezers are for.
>Today I ran the dishwasher for the first time this year, nearly 100
>plastic containers were washed.

Either you have very small containers or you have an industrial size
dishwasher. Or you're talking bullshit, but that's hardly conceivable.