Thread: Dinners
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Casa de Masa Casa de Masa is offline
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Default Dinners

On 8/30/2017 6:56 PM, wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 16:15:55 -0600, Casa de Masa > wrote:
>> On 8/30/2017 3:44 PM,
>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> Gary wrote:
>>>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> It's just hard for me to come up with designs that a
>>>>>> boy might like.
>>>>> If he is over age 12, pics of naked women will be a hit.
>>>>> Wild animal pics are good, random art designs with nice
>>>>> colors will be a hit.
>>>>> PS - your baby hot weather where you live did NOT make your rock
>>>>> picture chip off. Someone hit it and damaged it. Your mild hot
>>>>> weather would "bake on" the finish. No hot weather would make
>>>>> your rock picture chip off. Probably punk kids in your
>>>>> neighborhood doing that.
>>>> Nope. Nobody hit it. They were all sitting in a box.
>>>>> Most likely, your husband or daughter chipped that rock while you
>>>>> were sleeping all day.
>>>> Nope. There were a couple of days that were so hot that when I tried to
>>>> paint, the paint dried immediately! I couldn't even do a marble finish.
>>>> Dried that fast.
>>> Don't you own a patio umbrella... I painted my 275 gallon diesel tank
>>> two days ago, I set up a tarp to shade the tank. Before I set up the
>>> tarp you could literally fry an egg on that tank, with the tarp it
>>> quickly became cool to the touch.
>>> I think it turned out pretty nice, from factory black to Rustoleum's
>>> new metalic copper:

>> That looks superb!
>>> Gary will be by saying my paint job sucks:

>> Feh, a little worn, maybe next season.
>>> The dwarf will be by saying my nice barn light is something
>>> unprintable, no, it won't fit up the dwarf's butt:

>> But we must try, for Sqwerty's sake!
>>> My dawn redwood, I planted it 15 years ago and it's now more than 15'
>>> tall, was time to remove the deer fence. I discovered a Norway spruce
>>> had sprouted next to the trunk, about 2' tall. Looked too nice to
>>> destroy but not a good place for it. So asked around and my wife's
>>> girlfriend who is a bee keeper wanted it. So she tooled over in her
>>> new Beemer with a shovel. But no, her shovel was too teeny so I
>>> started to dig it up with my manly shovel and whoa... YELLOW JACKETS!
>>> I told the girls to get lost... my wife had already gotten stung six
>>> times and she is allergic, had to go to her doc for meds. Anyway I
>>> waited for those nasty stingers to calm down and hooked up my cart to
>>> the small tractor and took a chance, the ground was wet and I was able
>>> to dig that tree up easily. I got stung once on top of my left hand,
>>> burned but after a day I was fine. Anyway Janet got her tree and was
>>> happy, I'm sure I'll soon be soothed with wonderful honey. Dawn
>>> Redwoods are prehistoric conefirs. I keep thinking I need to plant a
>>> model of T Rex next to that tree.

>> For a city boy you took to country life real well.

> As a young child I spent a lot of time in the Catskills. I much
> prefer it to big city life. And I don't consider suburbia living...
> surburbia is the twilight zone

So very true.