Thread: Sweet Marie
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Sweet Marie

I stopped buying chocolate bars long ago, but I was still saddened to
learn that Sweet Marie bars had been discontinued. I have recently
encountered Sweet Marie squares at two local bakeries, so I had to try
them. They were delicious, but not cheap. I Googled for a recipe and
found that they are vert easy to make. It sounds like a weekend project
for me.

½ cup peanut butter

½ cup brown sugar

½ cup corn syrup

1 Tbsp butter or margarine

2 cup Rice Krispies

1 cup salted peanuts

1 pkg real chocolate chips

1. Heat peanut butter, sugar, corn syrup and butter over low heat until
mixture starts to boil.

2. Remove from heat and add Rice Krispies and peanuts. Mix well.

3. Press into a greased 8- or 9-inch square pan.

4. Cover with chocolate chips while hot. As chips melt, spread over the top.

5. Let cool and cut into squares before the chocolate gets too hard.