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Gary Gary is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 23,520
Default I call baloney on all of this

> Yes, my son did a paper route and that's exactly how it went, child
> labour laws notwithstanding. Now many areas do not even have paper
> delivery because so few people want an actual newspaper, so the papers
> can suck it up, they oiled their pot when they could.

I still get newspaper delivered. I did that for years as I needed
the newspapers for ferret poopy papers. I would read the paper
each morning then fold nicely to save for poopy papers. I got
used to reading the morning papers though so I still get D&S
delivery. Cost is $40-some with a 5 dollar tip every 3 months.

That price is about half what you would pay buying them at a
store each day and mine are always at my door by 5am.