I call baloney on all of this
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
I call baloney on all of this
On 2017-09-01 6:44 PM,
> On Fri, 1 Sep 2017 17:17:28 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>>> What you may have made was at top end, 10$ a week. That is very top end
>>> though and would involve 1cent per paper with 7 day a week delivery in
>>> tips.
>>> Reality? 3-5$ tops a week.
>> Newspapers were a dime and the weekly subscription was 50 cents. My 40
>> customer route only grossed $20, and then I had to pay for the papers.
>> I would be lucky to get $2 per week. Tips, if I got them were like 5 or
>> 10 cents.
> You're so full of canuck shit there are brown stains on your pillow
> from your ears.
Yeah yeah yeah..... Feel free to dispute to cost of newspapers back
then..... 10 cents and subscribers got a bit of a break at 50 cent for
the week. It There was no Sunday paper,
> I started delivering papers in 1955, no 12 year old
> would deliver 30 papers seven days a week for $2... wouldn't cover
> bicycle maintenence. And I don't believe you ever delivered papers,
> no kid delivered papers by walking, not even in NYC where population
> density is as dense as dense gets.
I lived in a small town. There was no advantage to riding a bike. I was
expected to stick the paper between the doors or folded up and stuck
into the wrought iron railing, which would mean getting off the bike.
I could not just ride buy and toss the paper toward the house. One
customer was on the far side of an orchard and that one alone took
about half as long as all the others combined. We also had snow to deal
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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