Thread: Dinners
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinners

> wrote in message
> On Thu, 31 Aug 2017 22:53:04 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
> wrote in message
. ..
>>> On Thu, 31 Aug 2017 00:45:40 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>> > wrote:
> wrote in message
>>>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>Gary wrote:
>>>>>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>>>> It's just hard for me to come up with designs that a
>>>>>>>> boy might like.
>>>>>>> If he is over age 12, pics of naked women will be a hit.
>>>>>>> Wild animal pics are good, random art designs with nice
>>>>>>> colors will be a hit.
>>>>>>> PS - your baby hot weather where you live did NOT make your rock
>>>>>>> picture chip off. Someone hit it and damaged it. Your mild hot
>>>>>>> weather would "bake on" the finish. No hot weather would make
>>>>>>> your rock picture chip off. Probably punk kids in your
>>>>>>> neighborhood doing that.
>>>>>>Nope. Nobody hit it. They were all sitting in a box.
>>>>>>> Most likely, your husband or daughter chipped that rock while you
>>>>>>> were sleeping all day.
>>>>>>Nope. There were a couple of days that were so hot that when I tried
>>>>>>paint, the paint dried immediately! I couldn't even do a marble
>>>>>>Dried that fast.
>>>>> Don't you own a patio umbrella... I painted my 275 gallon diesel tank
>>>>> two days ago, I set up a tarp to shade the tank. Before I set up the
>>>>> tarp you could literally fry an egg on that tank, with the tarp it
>>>>> quickly became cool to the touch.
>>>>> I think it turned out pretty nice, from factory black to Rustoleum's
>>>>> new metalic copper:
>>>>> Gary will be by saying my paint job sucks:
>>>>> The dwarf will be by saying my nice barn light is something
>>>>> unprintable, no, it won't fit up the dwarf's butt:
>>>>> My dawn redwood, I planted it 15 years ago and it's now more than 15'
>>>>> tall, was time to remove the deer fence. I discovered a Norway spruce
>>>>> had sprouted next to the trunk, about 2' tall. Looked too nice to
>>>>> destroy but not a good place for it. So asked around and my wife's
>>>>> girlfriend who is a bee keeper wanted it. So she tooled over in her
>>>>> new Beemer with a shovel. But no, her shovel was too teeny so I
>>>>> started to dig it up with my manly shovel and whoa... YELLOW JACKETS!
>>>>> I told the girls to get lost... my wife had already gotten stung six
>>>>> times and she is allergic, had to go to her doc for meds. Anyway I
>>>>> waited for those nasty stingers to calm down and hooked up my cart to
>>>>> the small tractor and took a chance, the ground was wet and I was able
>>>>> to dig that tree up easily. I got stung once on top of my left hand,
>>>>> burned but after a day I was fine. Anyway Janet got her tree and was
>>>>> happy, I'm sure I'll soon be soothed with wonderful honey. Dawn
>>>>> Redwoods are prehistoric conefirs. I keep thinking I need to plant a
>>>>> model of T Rex next to that tree.
>>>>I own a half umbrella that sits in front of the sliding door. Does seem
>>>>block the sun a teensy bit from getting in the window but doesn't do a
>>>>in terms of cooling except perhaps as the sun is setting.
>>>>The rocks were not on the deck though but outside by the garage. We used
>>>>acrylics, nail polish and sealed with spray on Mod Podge.
>>> I'd have found a shady spot, like under a tree, or *inside* the
>>> garage.

>>No room inside the garage. I use the term garage loosely. It does have a
>>door that goes up and down. It's not big enough to hold a car. Maybe a
>>Car would fit. And it retains heat like an oven this time of year. Was out
>>painting again. It's chilly now but will get warm again and hotter still
>>the days go on.

> You could have easily set up a $10 tarp for shade... when done take it
> down, fold it up and put it away til next time. A tarp is a
> necessary, there will be lots of uses; when I had a load of top soil
> delivered I put a tarp over it as there was a heavy rain and I'd have
> lost a lot. Since your car won't fit in the garage you need a tarp
> for when a hail storm is forecast. Be a good Girl Scout, always be
> prepared.
> I've been watching all that Harvey news... ya know, 99% of those
> residenses would have suffered no water damage were they properly
> constructed for a low lying area... everyone living there knows an
> inch of rain will cause water damage... it doesn't cost much more to
> build on a raised foundation rather than directly on a slab... simply
> set the houses atop a few courses of cement blocks. I'm seeing a lot
> of fairly new construction, very pricey homes, all set directly on a
> fercocktah slab... these are not poor people but they certainly are
> pinheads... gotta be southern mentality! Even poor folks here who
> live in trailers set it on a raised c-ment block foundation built for
> cheap on the slab.... ce-ment blocks are cheap, and in the south there
> are lots of excellent masons who work for cheap... masonary is a
> Mexican specialty, they are very good at adobe.
> My house has a basement but even if it didn't it's still sits on on a
> foundation that's four feet above ground level... this area floods
> too. Even 200-300 year old houses here are on fieldstone foundations
> that are a few feet above ground level. Even livestock barns are set
> on raised foundations. People here even place a cheap Lowe's shed on
> a raised foundation.
> Even people in Central America who live near the sea where hurricanes
> are common build on majorly raised foundations... my wife is from
> Belize, she grew up in a house built maybe 500' from the sea. During
> hurricanes the sea water flows under the houses, they are built on
> driven pilings, the houses are some 12' above ground level... this is
> the house where my wife grew up, most houses there are built high:

I do have several tarps. Not sure how I could put one up over where I was
sitting though.