Amazon Prime deliver is rediculous
Dave Smith wrote:
> I don't know about the clerk being bored. They are expected to offer
> assistance to shoppers. It can be a no win situation for them because
> some shoppers expect assistance and will get miffed and walk out if no
> one comes over to help them. Besides, some of those sales people are
> working for commission and can miss out on that if someone else rings up
> the sale.
Here's what I like. No problem being greeted when I first come in
and asking if I need some assistance. If I know exactly what I am
looking for, I might ask, "Where can I find _____? That's nice
and saves me time wandering around looking for something.
If I respond with, "No, I'm just looking around" then leave me
alone. If I need help later wait for me to ask for it. Some sales
people will show right up again if they see you pause and look at
something for longer than a browse. That's when I get annoyed.
I once went to a Ford dealership to look at new and used cars.
Naturally, a salesman came right up and asked if I needed help. I
wasn't even planning to buy, I was just curious as to various
cars and prices. I told him that, "No, I'm just looking around
His response was, "Cool, take your time. If you need any help
just ask." He handed me his business card then he left me alone.
I spent 30 minutes or more looking in the showroom and out on the
lot. Then I left and he never bothered me after that first
He was a smart saleman, imo. No pressure. He made first contact
then backed off. As I drove away, I was convinced that if I went
back there to buy, I would ask for him specifically. That's the
way a good salesman should act, imo.
Note: I did end up going back there about 5 months later to buy a
slightly used car. I asked for that guy. He wasn't working that
day so I came back when he was and bought from him. He deserved
the commission.