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Default Amazon Prime deliver is rediculous

On Sun, 03 Sep 2017 06:55:36 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Dave Smith wrote:
>> I don't know about the clerk being bored. They are expected to offer
>> assistance to shoppers. It can be a no win situation for them because
>> some shoppers expect assistance and will get miffed and walk out if no
>> one comes over to help them. Besides, some of those sales people are
>> working for commission and can miss out on that if someone else rings up
>> the sale.

>Here's what I like. No problem being greeted when I first come in
>and asking if I need some assistance. If I know exactly what I am
>looking for, I might ask, "Where can I find _____? That's nice
>and saves me time wandering around looking for something.
>If I respond with, "No, I'm just looking around" then leave me
>alone. If I need help later wait for me to ask for it. Some sales
>people will show right up again if they see you pause and look at
>something for longer than a browse. That's when I get annoyed.
>I once went to a Ford dealership to look at new and used cars.
>Naturally, a salesman came right up and asked if I needed help. I
>wasn't even planning to buy, I was just curious as to various
>cars and prices. I told him that, "No, I'm just looking around
>His response was, "Cool, take your time. If you need any help
>just ask." He handed me his business card then he left me alone.
>I spent 30 minutes or more looking in the showroom and out on the
>lot. Then I left and he never bothered me after that first
>He was a smart saleman, imo. No pressure. He made first contact
>then backed off. As I drove away, I was convinced that if I went
>back there to buy, I would ask for him specifically. That's the
>way a good salesman should act, imo.
>Note: I did end up going back there about 5 months later to buy a
>slightly used car. I asked for that guy. He wasn't working that
>day so I came back when he was and bought from him. He deserved
>the commission.

I don't like hovering salespeople either. Earlier this week I went to
take advantage of a sale on Skechers. I had taken a sock with me so
put that on, found the ones I liked, tried it on, also a second pair.
The three tills were busy so I lined up where there was a sign saying
'form line here' - I noticed a man come along after me and wait at the
other end but it wasn't my business to tell him where to wait. I was
mad as hell when one cashier finished, smiled sweetly at him and was
going to serve him. I say Excuse Me! I was waiting here first, she
still continues to serve him so I point out the sign and still she
serves him. I got the feeling that the man's time was considered more
important than mine, so I walked along dumped the two pairs of
sneakers on the counter and said 'somehow they have lost their appeal'
and left.

Next time they email me an ad with a sale, they will get an earful
about customer service in their store. Saved myself about $175 -