On Sun, 03 Sep 2017 11:54:33 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
>Nancy2 wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>> Some of the Swiss sold here in the US is very good....one brand sells
>> a "baby Swiss" that is Labeled "aged," and it is quite tasty. It is
>> little bitty holes, and not a lot of them. Maybe it is Sargento....?
>> N.
>Humm, might be. It sounds like a knock-off of German 'Butterkaiser'
>(spelling may not match Europe).
No, it isn't the same cheese. The name is butterkase (I'd put the
umlaut in if I knew how to on this keyboard) where ever you are,
kaiser is the roll. Here is butterkase in this link.
Janet US