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Ding - Dong Daddy Ding - Dong Daddy is offline
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Posts: 141
Default I call baloney on all of this

Sheldon wrote:

> On Sat, 2 Sep 2017 11:28:35 -0500, Sqwertz >
> wrote:
> >On Fri, 1 Sep 2017 19:32:21 -0500, Sqwertz wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, 01 Sep 2017 12:47:01 -0400, wrote:
> >>
> >>> I never said I made $60,000 delivering papers. I had three adjacent
> >>> routes, about 150 customers. We didn't walk, we knew how to ride a
> >>> bicycle. With 3 routes I made about $30 each per week, plus tips, and
> >>> very good tips at XMas.
> >>
> >> On a recent New Years eve you posted that you made about $100/week. I
> >> can look it up for you if you want to challenge me. But if you lose
> >> it will cost you $100.

> $30 X 3 + tips is more than $100... you failed math, dwarf.
> With a little more searching you may refresh your obviously failing
> memory by finding where I posted that made a lot of money painting
> stoops. I've always had a job (actually I always had jobS), you never
> worked and still don't work
> >> It may have even been the same NYE you claimed you bought a $100
> >> bottle or Dom Perignon (and we all know that was a lie, too).

> I spend more than $100 every week on dreck from Amazon, dreck I really
> don't need.... one good bottle of wine a year as a gift to my wife is
> no biggie but it makes her happy... I buy her far more expensive gifts
> all year. You never buy anyone a gift, in fact you feed your fat gut
> with gifts from that food bank.
> >> Do you accept the challenge? Who's the bullshitter - me... or you?

> You're so full of bullshit you're taller lying down than standing up.
> >I'm having a one-day special where it will only cost you $50. C'mon
> >Shelly - you can risk $50 to clear your name, right? If you win the
> >challenge then I will never ever call you out on your bullshit again.
> >
> >-sw

> You've never earned an honest dollar, dwarf, you live off fake
> handicap welfare, freebie section eight housing, and using that
> food bank as your personal pantry. Most all charity workers are
> thieves, and food bank workers are worst of the low life thieves...
> that's why the only charity I give to is feeding animals... when I
> have food items I won't eat I put it out for the critters, in fact I
> buy lots of food specifically for feeding critters. I wouldn't give a
> can of beans to a food bank, food banks are another name for Organized
> Crime... so are all thrift shops... I used to peruse Salvation Army
> stores for blankets for my cats but all they have are worn moth eaten
> schmatahs with exhorbitant price tags. Why pay $5 for a worn out
> damaged baby blanket when I can buy brand new for 99ยข at Walmart.
> I spend a lot more feeding feral cats than the dwarf spends
> maintaining his fat ass. I know for a fact that food bank and thrift
> shop workers divvy up the good stuff and only put out the crap.

This all reminds me of a funny story from a former job:

Young eager - beaver 20 - something white female upper - middle class "educated" social worker type, she a newly - hired Executive Director ("I have a MSW from University of Illinois - Chicago...!!!) threatens to fire a cool older black guy (74 years old, he actually ran the place), for his allegedly colorful "language". His reply, "Shit, go ahead and fire me...I am comfortably retired, own lotsa income property, and I just do this job for something to keep me outta the house and away from the wife and her gabby card party friends. I TIP more in a year than ANY of you mother****ers make in a YEAR at your bullshit social worker jobs..."

He nailed it, lol...she palled and stomped off speechless. She is long-gone (fired!), he is still on the job and enjoying life..
