Posted to
Swiss Cheese
On Mon, 4 Sep 2017 23:47:54 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Mon, 04 Sep 2017 14:01:49 -0500, cshenk wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote in
>>>> Above are your genuine headers. Unless somene see's something
>>>> unusual in Bruce's headers and can point it out, he's a normal
>>>> person here, even if sometimes irritating.
>>>> What we have here is some self styled specialists who claim they
>>>> 'know' but can never list what is different in the headers. I
>>>> don't mean you because you've never done that AFAIK.
>>> Say what?
>>> There is no header that says "I'm an asshole and a troll".
>>> But there are headers and header patterns that can be used to identify
>>> individual people, who may or may not be trolls. And those headers
>>> can be used to killfile individual people (such as "From: Bruce"),
>>> whether they're trolls, assholes, or "normal people".
>>>> Others however pretend to be smart and arent.
>>> And others choose to be ignorant, ignore the facts, are unteachable,
>>> and call others stupid.
>>> ObFood: Brunch today will be breakfast sausage, scrambled egg, and
>>> hatch chile tacos with my Killer Green Sauce.
>> Steve, not everyone's reader has the same killfile drill down. You
>> KNOW this. If you can't list the actual specifics that are wrong
>> between the valid person and a fake one pretending to to be them from
>> the headers, then you are useless.
>Several of us have tried to explain this to you in the past and
>everybody has given you perfectly good information. Yet you outright
>refused to accept or believe any of it and continued to bitch about it
>and go off on tangents.
>And then here you bring it up again out of the blue, call us all
>stupid *again*, just at the mere suggestion from Jill to killfile
>Bruce. Surely you at least know how to killfile Bruce - it's the most
>basic killfile function there is available in every real newsreader.
That's true. It's in the Tools menu and it's called Killfile Bruce.
Can't go wrong.