Thread: Labor Day Meal
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Labor Day Meal

"Leonard Blaisdell" wrote in message

So it's Labor Day. I thought I would minimize labor. I expected that
I'd knock back a few and simmer up some frozen bite sized ham chunks
from Easter in just enough water, drop in some canned Pintos and feed
my wife. Things were going well until she figured out what I was doing.
"Can I have some cornbread?" What! Ten minutes of messin' and fixin'
ingredients off of a Albers cornbread box, heating the oven and
greased skillet, pouring the ingredients and twenty five minutes after
that, I finally achieved peace. I made her serve herself.
What part of Labor Day don't people get?



I don't know how you cope ... ;p
